Any good Dentist in Cedar Park would agree when we say that the best dental patient is one who is an active participant.  We love seeing patients who are interested in their dental health!  When a patient is actively talking to us and asking questions, we know they’re concerned about keeping their mouths healthy. They might even learn a thing or two about dental techniques.

Dentist in Cedar Park | Reveal Dental

So, if you tend to sit quietly in the chair going “uh-huh…” to whatever your dentist says, you could be getting a lot more out of the experience.  It’s just a matter of asking the right questions.

Four Questions Your Dentist in Cedar Park Loves to Hear

1 – What can I do to improve my oral health?

Don’t be afraid to ask!  Just about everyone has something they could do to help make their mouths healthier, even those who already have teeth that are in good condition.  Your dentist will always be happy to help you improve your oral hygiene.


2 – Do you see anything I should tell my doctor?

Many people don’t know this, but a lot of diseases cause oral symptoms – including many that you wouldn’t think of as being “mouth diseases” such as diabetes.  A dentist can often be an early warning system, keeping an eye on issues in your mouth that might indicate other bodily problems.  Asking about this periodically can give you things to bring up with your doctor.


3 – Read any interesting papers lately?

This one works both ways.  A good dentist is always keeping up with the literature and will probably be overjoyed to talk about something interesting in modern dental techniques.  On the other hand, if your dentist never seems to have an answer, well… you might want to start shopping around.  They may not be keeping up with the times.


4 – When is the next time I should get a checkup?

Generally speaking, you want to have at least a yearly checkup with your Dentist in Cedar Park – but going more often is sometimes called for.  They might see something in your mouth which is worth keeping an eye on.  Ask about when your next appointment should be, or even go ahead and schedule it with the receptionist on your way out.

Want a great Dentist in Cedar Park who’s always up on the latest techniques? Contact Reveal Dental for an appointment!

