Dentist Cedar ParkMost people brush their teeth twice a day and follow the same daily oral regimen. However, there is much more you can do to protect your teeth and achieve better overall dental health. It is important to work directly with trusted oral health professionals to learn the best techniques for maintaining good oral health.  So the team at Cedar Park-based Reveal Dental offers their five dentist-recommended tips for maintaining strong oral health over the long-term.

1.Clean Your Tongue to Remove Plaque

The plaque found on the tongue often contains bacterium that causes tooth decay, bad breath, and other oral health issues. Cleaning the tongue every day can help to remove this plaque and ensure that bacterium is removed from the mouth at the earliest opportunity.  See our tongue scrapers during your next visit!

2.Choose Foods Carefully

When considering long-term oral health needs, it’s also important to analyze the types of foods that can help to protect oral health. Apples, for example, are ideal as they have higher water content and help to stimulate the flow of saliva.  This protects against tooth decay by washing away food particles.

3.Practice Flossing Regularly

Flossing is the ideal way to remove food from between the teeth, but few Cedar Park residents follow the guidance of their dentist and floss every day. It’s important to floss at least once a day. Start by flossing in the bathroom right when you wake up and then try to floss after meals throughout the day. Over time, many find that they become much more efficient flossing and it will have less of an impact on their daily schedule.

4.Consult with a Dentist the Moment an Issue is Discovered

One of the leading causes of extensive dental procedures is a delay in treatment. By simply booking a dentist appointment the moment they discover an issue, many people can avoid having to undergo treatment such as tooth extraction or a root canal. When an issue is detected in its earliest stages, dentists now have access to many treatment methodologies that allow for a seamless resolution. Problems such as excessive bleeding during brushing, or sharp tooth pain can be addressed at the earliest opportunity.

5.Consider Sealants to Protect Against Cavities

For those who have experienced a number of cavities throughout their life, dental health professionals can now use sealants to protect teeth from future problems. Sealants are a protective material applied to the chewing surfaces of the teeth in areas where decay occurs most often. Speaking with a dental health professional is the best way to analyze whether sealants are a good choice for you or your children.

To discover more dentist-recommended oral health tips, speak with the team at Cedar Park based Reveal Dental by booking an appointment at (512) 337-2316 or visiting their website at
