Dental Implants | Revdeal Dental

Dental Implants | Revdeal Dental


If you’ve lost one or more teeth, getting Dental Implants in Cedar Park can be the best solution for bringing back your smile.  

Implants are a compatible and safe procedure used to replace the natural root of the tooth.  As one would expect with any surgical procedure, there will be some healing time involved, but it’s generally brief and causes little disruption to your normal routine.

Are implants worth this short period of healing and discomfort? The vast majority of our patients say “Yes!”  A temporary period of healing followed by a lifetime of reliable replacement teeth is an easy decision for most people.  However, we want our patients to be fully informed about what’s involved, which is why we’ve prepared this guide.

If you are thinking about getting dental implants in Cedar Park, our team has outlined what you need to know about this procedure.


Everything You Need to Know About Dental Implants in Cedar Park

I. What Are Dental Implants?


Dental implants are a method of permanently installing false teeth in a person’s mouth. This is generally a three-step process:

Step One: Remove any remaining amount of damaged tooth in the area where the replacement tooth will go.

Step Two: Surgical procedure to implant the metal “root” directly at the site of the removed tooth/teeth.  Once completed, the implant(s) will be a permanent fixture.

Step Three: Attach a crown, bridge, or complete denture to the implant(s), completing the process of providing an esthetic, natural, and comfortable outcome.

The time involved may be a slightly longer procedure compared to most types of cosmetic dentistry, but it does bring several big benefits.


II. The Benefits of Dental Implants

The best thing about implants is that they are permanent. So, even if the crown/bridge/prosthesis on top becomes damaged, it’s relatively easy to replace since the implant is still stable and secure.

This can truly be a life-long solution to lost teeth.

Plus, as mentioned above, there are none of the lifestyle changes that go along with traditional dentures.  Your implants can be treated exactly like real teeth. They will also look exactly like real teeth, so other people won’t even know you have implants. One of the foremost advantages of dental implants is that they provide support for the rest of your face, especially the lips and cheeks, helping patients avoid that “sunken-in” look prevalent with tooth loss.

Another significant benefit of implants is that they prevent bone loss. A person’s jawbone may begin to weaken and deteriorate without having teeth for support. In some scenarios, this can even reshape a patient’s mouth and face and lead to more dental problems. Traditional dentures cannot prevent this, but implants will.

Now, let’s look at the specifics of the procedure.


III.  The Examinations

Not everyone is a candidate for dental implants, so step one will be a full series of examinations to see if implants are a viable option. Implants require a substantial amount of healthy bone in the area around where they’ll be located, so first, a dental practitioner will determine whether you’re a healthy candidate for implants.

In some cases, patients who aren’t compatible may choose to simply get bridges or dentures rather than implants or undergo additional procedures to ensure candidacy.

Once everything checks out, the implant process can begin.


IV. The Implant Process

The implant will be handled by a qualified dental professional (usually an oral surgeon or periodontist), who removes any remaining tooth material before installing your dental implant. For single dental implants, the process is often quite brief and can be done under local anesthetic, meaning you’ll be in and out in no time. Your dentist will make sure you remain calm and comfortable throughout the procedure.

Once completed, your implant/s will have several months until they become fully integrated. Before leaving your dentist’s office, they’ll sit down with you and review every detail of the recovery process, putting your mind at ease. You’ll also be provided with a host of helpful information to make certain you’re able to care for your new implant while it’s healing.


V. The Healing Process

After ensuring you have everything you need for a healthy recovery, your surgeon will send you home to rest and recover. During this time, pain is minimal, but you will be given a complete set of instructions and medications. Follow the instructions from your dental practitioner and be sure to avoid hard foods and other things that will be difficult to chew until your implant is fully healed.


VI. Your New Dental Implant

Once your dental implant has fully healed, you’ll be provided with your new permanent tooth/teeth. To ensure your new restorations don’t stick out from the rest of your natural teeth, your cosmetic dentist will precisely craft them to match the look and color of the surrounding teeth as closely as possible. No one will be able to tell!  And if they do, they will compliment your new smile!

This will allow you to have the freedom to eat what you want and chew more comfortably than with other options. For those who had dentures before investing in implants, you may finally have the opportunity to enjoy some of your favorite dishes you were unable to eat for years!

Once again, your dental practitioner will make sure that you have all of the information necessary to care for your new implants for years. They’ll also gladly answer any questions you may have regarding your future care and treatment.  You will be required to periodically visit the dentist for a checkup to ensure everything is going smoothly.


Choose Reveal Dental for Your Dental Implants in Cedar Park

If you’re missing one or more teeth and looking for a permanent solution that requires no lifestyle changes, Reveal Dental is here for you. Dental implants are affordable and offer a lifelong solution for those who’ve suffered premature tooth loss, or broken teeth, or want to rid themselves of the complications of dentures.

The professionals from Reveal Dental are always happy to discuss the possibility of implants with patients, answering any questions they have. If you want to learn more about how to brighten your smile and keep your teeth and gums in great shape, Reveal Dental would love to speak with you.

Please contact us to schedule your initial consultation.
