dental-implantMany Cedar Park residents might find it a challenge when evaluating tooth replacement options available at their local dental office. There may be an abundance of information available so it is important to discuss the various tooth replacement options with a specialist to find the best solution with long-term comfort in mind.

In this article, the experts at Reveal Dental’s Cedar Park dental office highlight the benefits of Dental Implants and why it is a great tooth replacement option.

Similarity to Natural Teeth

A dental implant restores the aesthetics and functionality of a natural tooth. Other options simply don’t compare in terms of appearance and ease of care.  With products such as dentures, there is always a risk that they will fall out in conversation or make it difficult to eat certain foods.  On the other hand, dental implants are rooted into the jawbone and have the look and feel of natural teeth.  Patients are often much more comfortable smiling, talking, eating, and brushing their teeth.


Dental implants are among the most durable tooth replacement options available today. Options such as dental bridges may, with proper care, last for 7-to-10 years. Comparatively, dental implants are designed to last a lifetime with professionally-guided maintenance.

Supports Healthy Bone

If a patient has empty spaces between their teeth or has lost one or more teeth, they will experience bone loss. Bones in the mouth require stimulation that comes from the teeth; the jawbone can deteriorate when it is not surrounded and supported by healthy teeth. When an implant is used, it protects and even stimulates healthy bone thereby preventing bone loss over time.

Proven Record of Success

With over 50 years of research and use, dental implants have a proven track record of success. As a well-documented technology, any issues are often easily identified and quickly addressed by the dental care team.

Value for Money

Because dental implants are designed to last a lifetime, they provide patients with better value for their money compared to treatments that require replacement at regular intervals. Patients can minimize their out-of-pocket expenses while still improving the appearance and restoring the functionality of their teeth!

Minimal impact to Sleep Comfort

Sleep comfort is a critical factor when assessing tooth replacement options. Because implants are so similar to natural teeth they offer patients a high degree of comfort as they are less noticeable than other alternatives. This allows patients to relax and sleep comfortably.

For residents of Cedar Park and surrounding North Austin areas who are considering Dental Implants, please speak with the team at Reveal Dental so you can determine the ideal tooth replacement option. To learn more, contact Reveal Dental at (512) 337-2316 or visit their website at
