Pediatric Dentist in Cedar ParkNew parents always want the best for their baby – and that includes protecting their baby’s teeth.  It’s not hard to find a pediatric dentist in Cedar Park, but a lot of people often have questions about the process.  After all, none of us remember how our parents found a pediatric dentist!

So, let’s take a moment to address some of the most common questions we get about pediatric dentistry, and what steps a parent should take.

Questions Frequently Asked of a Pediatric Dentist in

Cedar Park

  1. When should I start looking for a pediatric dentist?

Generally speaking, the rule of thumb is that their first dental appointment should be around the time they’re twelve months old.  Or, more specifically, around six months after their first baby tooth appears – which is usually around the time they’re six months old.

Take them to a dentist before they hit 18 months, in any case.

  1. They’re going to lose their baby teeth anyway.  Why does it matter?

Bad baby teeth can give way to bad adult teeth.  An infected baby tooth, for example, could easily cause an infection that ends up harming that part of the mouth.  Also, the way that baby teeth grow in can affect how the adult teeth grow.  Many cases where teenage orthodontic correction is needed could have been avoided, with intervention earlier in the child’s life.

  1. Won’t the baby be scared to go to a dentist?

Well, probably.  However, what matters is the long-term effect.  If you start taking your child to see the dentist before they’re old enough to remember much, that means they’ll quickly become comfortable with dental visits.  By the time they’re 5 or 6, they won’t remember a time without regular dental appointments, and so the trips will be easier.

The earlier you introduce them to dentists, the less scared they’ll be overall.

  1. Will I be in the room during the appointment?

Of course!  It’s usually very helpful to have one or both parents in the room, to help keep the baby calm.  Plus, we’re happy to explain everything that’s happening and point out ways you can help protect your child’s teeth at home.

Get Pediatric Dental Care

In short, every child should have a regular pediatric dentist in Cedar Park by the time they’re a toddler.  If you’re still looking for the right children’s dentist, contact Reveal Dental for an appointment!

