While our team at Reveal Dental knows your Dental Hygiene may not be at the front and center of your concerns right now, it is very important to properly care for your teeth during this COVID-19 pandemic. With our dentist’s office in Cedar Park currently reopening for regular appointments, our team wanted to outline some tips for keeping your teeth, and overall oral hygiene, healthy.

4 Dental Tips from A Cedar Park Dentist

  • Your Dental Routine

With more and more people either working from home or spending almost all of their day inside due to the quarantine, our routines have seen a dramatic change. Now is the perfect time to continue, or even, improve upon your daily dental routines.

  • Brushing & FlossingCare for your teeth | Reveal Dental

You must brush your teeth at least twice per day and floss once. Since many people will not be at offices and work during lunch, take that as an opportunity to brush your teeth after lunch as well. This is a very easy way to protect your teeth from cavities and tarter during your quarantine.

When brushing, be sure that you are brushing thoroughly for two minutes. Also, if you can, try to switch to an electric toothbrush as they can sometimes be more effective for brushing and cleaning. Be certain to keep your toothbrush as clean as possible. Since we all keep our brushes in our washroom (which can contain lots of bacteria) ensure that you are covering and keeping your toothbrush in a clean and protective place.

  • Use Mouthwash

Start using mouthwash (an alcohol-free one) twice a day as a way to combat and lower plaque accumulation that potentially causes gingivitis. Try combing your mouthwash with a toothpaste that eliminates bacteria.

  • Eat Healthy & Tooth-Friendly Foods

Both your health and oral health are paramount to keeping your immune systems strong and overall health at its best. While it can be tempting to dig into that junk food – especially during stressful times like these – try to avoid it as much as you can. Not only is stress eating junk foods unhealthy, but it can also compromise your dental health. Acidic, starchy, and sugary foods and drinks can lead to oral acid, which in turn, can break down tooth exteriors.

Let Your Local Dentist in Cedar Park Help

While our Reveal Dental office is slowly reopening due to COVID-19, we are here for our patients. In the event you are experiencing a dental emergency, please contact our team to have it managed accordingly.
